With the increased amount of automation processes, customers are quickly adapting to the digital world
With mobile apps, machine learning, and automation, customers are used to getting what they want right away. No longer are the days of sitting around waiting for an order to be placed, or a problem to be solved. With the amount of digital tools that customers are accustomed to, they no longer tolerate companies who do not have efficient digital processes.
With instant messaging and chats on digital platforms there is increased attention to the customer. Customers are now expecting companies to be responsive and reliable in their online support and communication.
Customers now have access to a whole new world of communities online on different social media platforms. For example, the Salesforce Community Cloud connects employees, partners, and customers into an interactive community, making it easy for customers to reach new solutions easier.
A study at MIT found that companies that have embraced digital transformation are 26% more profitable than their peers!
“25% of firms that excel both in digital intensity and transformation management capabilities — are 26% more profitable, generate 9% more revenue from their physical assets, and achieve 12% higher market valuations than other large firms in their industries”
With Salesforce, companies can automate and organize their digital platforms to more efficiently reach their customers. Service cloud by Salesforce brings all your customer’s information together to ensure you are making smart business decisions.
Salesforce can help you discover a complete 360-degree view of the customer: This means knowing the customer’s story from beginning to end in order to effectively reach them in the future. This means knowing the customer’s history with your company- every call or email they’ve made and every marketing campaign they’ve seen. This means knowing about their business and what technologies they would benefit from.
Salesforce has tools that capture the information from your customers, like Einstein Activity Capture and Salesforce Inbox. This means your employees don’t have to waste time manually entering anything; these solutions note the information and store it with the right customer and opportunity.
“Create 32% more customer happiness with complete customer support software”- Salesforce
Using the Service Cloud, companies can increase their customer relations by providing engaging communities and portals, delivering personalized support across their digital platform, and increasing agent productivity.
Digital Transformation means customers are used to solving their problems quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Businesses need to keep up with the digitalized world to automate routine processes and free time for more important and innovative tasks.
Published by Danielle Nelson: Marketing Strategy and Content Creator at Enehano Solutions.