Enquiring of any financial investor would reveal that the handling of transactions is laborious and time-consuming. This entails days of non-stop emails, phone calls and gatherings, followed by late nights and weekends dedicated to a great deal of exploring, assessment, preparation, communication with clients, meetings with the deal group, accounts, documents, and business entries.
Many investment bankers and those working with them continue to utilize more traditional methods such as spreadsheets, word processors, individual solutions, or custom-built applications to manage the deal lifecycle. However, these tools were not created with the intention of making the deal making process easier. As a result, handling the numerous details associated with a high-speed deal can be a time-consuming, tedious, and sometimes counter-productive task. With multiple teams operating simultaneously, there is no collective view of the activities and advancement of the deal, which may lead to repetition of effort, lack of coordination among dealmakers, and lost investment banking chances.
Furthermore, due to the tremendous magnitude and intricacy of transactions, there can be security and adherence matters. Vital data must be attained, distributed, and safeguarded among individuals involved at specific intervals and in particular modes.
The Salesforce platform is designed to coincide with the lifecycle of a deal. Investment bankers are well aware that CRM and deal making rely heavily on the people involved and their ability to form relationships and access pertinent information. With Salesforce as an engagement platform, everyone who is involved in the transaction can work together and receive the necessary support. The platform provides a comprehensive view of the different teams and persons involved, allowing for better mapping, monitoring, and managing of the lifecycle. Salesforce collaboration tools provide teams with integrated deal management capabilities such as role-based access to activities and information, task tracking, document collection, and accountability of participants. Furthermore, investment bankers can use their mobile devices to capture important information and receive real time market updates on their clients.
Corporate and Investment Banking for Financial Services Cloud is created to offer a comprehensive experience throughout the customer's journey. It also provides new integrations with Tableau CRM and Einstein Relationship Insights (ERI) to give bankers access to specialized technology. These features include: